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Trans & non-binary

When PFLAG National launched the Straight for Equality program in 2007, the mission was, if you'll excuse our nearly inexcusable pun, pretty straightforward. We wanted to create a resource and community for people who are not lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ+) to better understand why their voices are critical to achieving equality for all, and provide them with the information and tools to effectively raise their voices.

For many allies, personally knowing someone who is lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, familiarity with the issues that they face, and knowing what they can do to demonstrate their support is increasingly common. And yet, when we discuss inclusion of our transgender friends and family, there is less certainty.

Welcome to the newest step in the ally journey: becoming a trans ally.

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Guide to Being An Ally to Trans and Nonbinary People

Guide to Being An Ally to Trans and Nonbinary People

This publication will help you learn more about what transgender and nonbinary mean, develop competency around talking about the issue, become better informed about the challenges that many trans and nonbinary people face, and know specific ways that you can be a strong ally to trans and nonbinary people.

As a trans ally I will…

As a trans ally I will…

Use these postcards as part of an event to show people how to be better trans allies. The card can also be used as a part of a social media campaign and is a great way to get a conversation started.

Our Trans Loved Ones

Our Trans Loved Ones

Our Trans Loved Ones is a brand-new, updated resource. Written by PFLAG staff members, and created with the help of content experts, reviewers, and PFLAGers with experience to share, it is full of information, first-person stories, and expert input geared to those who have a loved one who has come out as trans or gender expansive.

Nuestros Seres Queridos Trans

Nuestros Seres Queridos Trans

Para padres, cuidadores, familias y seres queridos de personas transgénero y creativas con respecto al género. Escrito por los miembros del personal de PFLAG, y creado con la ayuda de expertos en contenido, revisores y PFLAGers con experiencia para compartir, está repleto de información, historias en primera persona y aportes de expertos orientados a aquellos que tienen un ser querido que ha salido como trans o sexo expansivo.

Additional Resources – Trans Allies

Additional Resources – Trans Allies

There are countless resources to support your trans ally learning (and coming out!) experience. Looking to be a stronger ally? Check out some of these organizations and connect with their work.

Ready to be a workplace ally?