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Aired Apr 14, 2022

Affirming LGBTQ+ Christians This Holy Week

In 2022, April 10-16 is Holy Week for Christians across the globe. Which makes it the perfect time for allies, who also identify as people of faith, to affirm LGBTQ+ Christians and their families. This process is easy for some, but for many, it remains challenging when faith leaders don’t demonstrate the inclusion and support that so many LGBTQ+ people need and deserve. This episode of Something To Talk About Live, we will be discussing Father James Martin, S.J.’s article in America Magazine: The Jesuit Review of Faith & Culture,  “Can You Really Hate the Sin and Love the Sinner?” with Father Martin, who authored the article.

Something to Talk About Live is a series designed by PFLAG National’s Straight for Equality program to create conversation about LGBTQ+ issues. Each week we offer an article on LGBTQ+ topics and suggest a few questions you can use to lead a discussion with your ERG, community group, or PFLAG chapter.

We hosted a conversation about this article as a part of PFLAG Connects and Something to Talk About Live on Thursday, April 14. Did you miss it? You can still watch it here!  

Article: Can You Really Hate the Sin and Love the Sinner

Source: America Magazine: The Jesuit Review of Faith & Culture

Author: Father James Martin, S. J.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Have you encountered the phrase, “hate the sin, love the sinner”? How did it make you feel? If you responded to this comment, what did you say?
  2. The article notes that phrases like “hate the sin, love the sinner” and “God helps those who help themselves” are not actually in the Bible, but are often treated as such. Were you aware that there was no Biblical connection to these common phrases? If you answered yes, where did you learn this fact? If not, why do you think that this is the first time you’ve heard it discussed?
  3. One of Fr. Jim’s contentions is that the phrase is general, but typically only applied to one community: People who are LGBTQ+. Has this been your experience? Has your identity as an ally or someone who is LGBTQ+ ever been a source of exclusion from your religious beliefs? What was the impact of your experiences in terms of your current beliefs?

Bonus read: Check out organizations and resources that affirm LGBTQ+ Catholics like Dignity USA, New Ways Ministry, and Fortunate Families!

About Our Guest:

Father James Martin, S.J., Jesuit priest, teacher, and editor-at-large of America Magazine: The Jesuit Review of Faith & Culture

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