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Aired Jul 15, 2021

The AMA Stands Up to Anti-Trans Legislation

Looking for ways to keep the conversation going about LGBTQ+ issues with your ERG, community group, or PFLAG chapter? Welcome to Something to Talk About, a series designed by PFLAG National’s Straight for Equality program to create conversation about LGBTQ+ issues. Each week we’ll offer an article on LGBTQ+ topics and suggest a few questions you can use to lead a discussion. 

We hosted a conversation about this article as a part of PFLAG Connects and Something to Talk About Live on Thursday, July 15. Did you miss it? You can still watch it here!

Have feedback about how your conversation went? Let us know by e-mailing [email protected]. 

Article: American Medical Association Urges Governors to Not Interfere with Trans Children’s Health Care 

Source: Metro Weekly 

Author: John Riley 

Questions for Discussion: 

  1. The AMA notes that legislation like the one that passed in Arkansas violates the patient-physician relationship. Can you talk about in more detail what this means? What’s at stake in this relationship with bills like this? And are you concerned that what happened in Arkansas and other states is setting a dangerous precedent that could be cited in other questions of care and privacy?

  2. In an April letter to the National Governor’s Association, the AMA asserted that trans and nonbinary identities are “normal variations of human expression.” This establishment of identity as nonbinary is significant for many reasons. Can you discuss some of the work that helped the AMA arrive at this position?

  3. Advocacy is at the heart of resisting bad laws and preventing others from passing. What can healthcare professionals do to be part of this trans-inclusive advocacy? Is the endorsement of other professional organizations (e.g., like the Endocrine Society) significant in the work? What can everyday advocates do to encourage their providers to learn more and become engaged? 

Looking for another article on this topic (that features this week’s fantastic guest, Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld) to create a conversation? Read about the AMA’s opposition to “bathroom bills” and it’s important statement on the “Medical Spectrum of Gender” in this 2017 NBC News article: American Medical Association Opposes Transgender ‘Bathroom Bills.’ 

Ways to Watch:



