Aired Oct 8, 2020
Coming Out in 2020
Looking for ways to keep the conversation going about LGBTQ+ issues with your ERG, community group, or PFLAG chapter? Welcome to Something to Talk About, a monthly series designed by PFLAG National’s Straight for Equality program to create conversation about LGBTQ+ issues. Each month we’ll offer an article on LGBTQ+ topics and suggest a few questions you can use to lead a discussion.
We hosted a conversation about this article as a part of PFLAG Connects and Something to Talk About Live on Thursday, October 8. Did you miss it? You can still watch it here!
Have feedback about how your conversation went? Let us know by emailing [email protected].
Source: New York Daily News
Author: Joseph Wilkinson
Questions for Discussion:
- While it appears that Eric Trump has clarified that his remarks were misunderstood and that he is not, in fact, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, his initial comments suggested he was and it elicited an incredibly strong reaction from people in the LGBTQ+ space. What did you think of the reaction – was it understandable? Appropriate?
- This situation raises a difficult issue: How should people who hold more conservative views that may conflict with LGBTQ+ equality but who are LGBTQ+ themselves be included in LGBTQ+ spaces? Is there a reasonable path forward to finding ways to support all, regardless of conflicting beliefs? Can you point to examples of where this has been done effectively?
- Can you share personal examples of where you’ve found ways to “meet people where they are” when you have dramatically different beliefs around LGBTQ+ acceptance? What are some of the biggest lessons that you’ve learned in navigating these conversations?
Ways to watch: