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PFLAG National invites you to join the growing number of PFLAG members and supporters across the country who are using our Straight for Equality program to bring the message of PFLAG to new audiences in their communities. We all know people in our lives that support equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people but aren't sure how to express their support in a consistent and meaningful way. Through the Straight for Equality program PFLAGers have the ability to break down the barriers that keep people from getting involved in LGBTQ+ issues and to support them as they learn more.

We have some great tools to help you learn more about the Straight for Equality program, how you can use it in your work, and much more. We'll help you consider how the ways you approach support, education and advocacy, the language you use--and your expectations of new allies--can make a difference in engaging new people in the fight for equality. Our experience and research has taught us some things to avoid when working with allies that will help you to effectively invite, educate, and engage them in new and exciting ways.

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guide to being a straight ally

guide to being a straight ally

This guide will help you understand how allies fit in the effort to achieve equality for all. Learn more about what it means to be a straight ally and get some great tips and tools to being more supportive of your LGBTQ+, friends, family, and colleagues.

Guide to Being An Ally to Trans and Nonbinary People

Guide to Being An Ally to Trans and Nonbinary People

This publication will help you learn more about what transgender and nonbinary mean, develop competency around talking about the issue, become better informed about the challenges that many trans and nonbinary people face, and know specific ways that you can be a strong ally to trans and nonbinary people.