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Aired Jan 27, 2022

Elevating LGBTQ+ Victims of the Holocaust

January 27 is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This episode of Something To Talk About Live will focus on elevating the often-unknown or actively erased stories of LGBTQ+ victims who were oppressed, harassed, tortured, and sent to concentration camps because of their identities. We will be discussing Andrea Carlo’s article in Time, “Why It Took Decades for LGBTQ Stories to Be Included in Holocaust History” with journalist and historian (and the author of this piece!) Andrea Carlo. 

Something to Talk About Live is a series designed by PFLAG National’s Straight for Equality program to create conversation about LGBTQ+ issues. Each week we offer an article on LGBTQ+ topics and suggest a few questions you can use to lead a discussion with your ERG, community group, or PFLAG chapter.

We hosted a conversation about this article as a part of PFLAG Connects and Something to Talk About Live on Thursday, January 27. Did you miss it? You can still watch it here! 

Article: Why It Took Decades for LGBTQ Stories to Be Included in Holocaust History

Source: Time

Author: Andrea Carlo

Questions for Discussion:

  1.  How much were you taught about the Holocaust in your formal education? Did what you learned contain content about the diversity of people targeted? What and who was included? If you didn’t learn much, why do you think that was the case?

  2.  The article discusses the long-term impact of Germany’s Paragraph 175. Were you familiar with this law? Did you understand how far-reaching the impact of its existence was? Were you surprised by what you learned?

  3.  Today, people are more familiar with the persecution of gay men during the Holocaust than they were in the past. The article raises that both lesbians and people who had intersex conditions were sent to concentration camps as well. Why do you think people are less familiar with those realities? What other groups are often not addressed in these conversations? What are some specific ways in which people can be more inclusive when discussing Holocaust history?

Bonus read: Check out this list of five phenomenal resources, from the International Holocaust Remembrance Day Alliance, that will help you learn more about the experiences of people who were LGBTQ+ under the Nazi Regime.

About Our Guests:

Andrea Carlo, Freelance Journalist, Historian

Ways to Watch:

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