I'm a New Ally
Materials for New Allies
There are lots of Straight for Equality resources out there — but where’s a New Ally to start? Here are three great places to begin your ally education.
- the guide to being a straight ally: This is where it all starts. Now in it’s fourth edition, this guide will help you understand how allies fit in the effort to achieve equality for all, what it means to be an ally, and get some great tips and tools to being more supportive of your LGBTQ+, friends, family, classmates, and colleagues.
- Connect with PFLAG and Straight for Equality on Facebook and Instagram: One of the most important things that allies can do is initiate conversations about equality and LGBTQ+ issues. Getting the material to talk about is as easy as liking or following us online.
- PFLAG Glossary: Want to be sure that you’re using the right words in those conversations? Help is just a click away. Get the language you need and start talking today.