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Fairness at work

Leading with Love for People Who Are LGBTQ+

Learn simple things that you can do to come out, speak up, and join in as an ally.

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You don’t need to know everything before you can take action as an ally to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ+)—and your work doesn’t stop when you feel like you’ve reached Super-Ally status. Consider incorporating these suggestions to build your ally skills and create a lasting difference.

  1. Be open. Don’t intentionally hide details about the openly LGBTQ+ people in your life.
  2. Ask questions. Or do research on your own. Commit to getting the answers you need to show up meaningfully.
  3. Stay informed. Learn about the realities that many LGBTQ+ people are experiencing from trusted resources like PFLAG National and our Straight for Equality program.
  4. Speak up. When you hear anti-LGBTQ+ slurs, jokes, or misinformation say something. Lead with why you’re an ally.
  5. Teach equality. Talk to the young people in your life about different kinds of people and families. Set the expectation of kindness and respect.
  6. Think about where you spend. Support LGBTQ+-owned and friendly businesses and encourage others to do the same.
  7. Challenge those around you. Encourage the organizations you are a part of to consider inclusive policies.
  8. Become an advocate. Organize or join efforts in your community to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ people. Reach out to public policy makers.