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Fairness at work

Frequently Asked Questions – In the Workplace

  • How is Straight for Equality in the Workplace different than other trainings on LGBTQ+ issues I’ve seen?

    While a lot of trainings focus on LGBTQ+ 101, or take on specific issues that impact the LGBTQ+ community, these learning sessions primarily focus on the remaining challenges to workplace culture when it comes to the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people. We also emphasize the role of allies to people who are LGBTQ+, what allies need to do, and how we can educate and empower allies with tools that empower them to be part of transforming workplace culture.

  • What do I get when I bring a Straight for Equality or PFLAG learning session to my workplace?

    In addition to the presentation of the session itself, you’ll work with a skilled team that has been doing this work for more than a decade. We’ll help to ensure that the learning is tailored to meet the needs of your organization. We’ll work with you to promote the event to drive attendance (we’ll even share some spiffy ads you can use) and offer best practices for a great learning session. After the event, we’ll work with you to talk about next steps to build on what the session started. You’ll also receive participant materials and online resources to share with employees for whatever session(s) you select.

  • What kinds of costs are associated with allyship training?

    The pricing of our sessions depends on which session you’d like to host, when, and where. Based on your needs, we’ll be able to offer an estimate of costs and can draft a formal cost proposal to share with the planning team. Contact us to learn more.

    (Did you know that companies that are PFLAG National Partners receive free allyship training?)

  • Do you do online training?

    Yes. We’re able to offer most sessions through online learning using our webinar system or a web-presentation program that your oganization uses internally. All web-based learning sessions are designed to engage participants and adapted to ensure that your employees have the opportunity to share their thoughts, interact with the presenter, and ask questions. For more information on which sessions are available online and to find out about availability and pricing, contact us today.

  • How far in advance should I plan for hosting a workshop in my organization?

    The best advice we can offer is this: Plan early. In addition to having a better chance of locking in the date you’d like to secure, the longer you have to promote your event, the better chance that you’ll have good attendance. We have multiple educators to accommodate requests, but please note that June and October tend to get booked up to six months in advance, so if you’re interested, contact us.

  • I’d like to do this, but I need to “sell” my colleagues on the idea. How can you help?

    We’d be happy to send more information regarding PFLAG National and the Straight for Equality program to help you make the case to your colleagues. Email [email protected] to learn more about receiving a packet. It will include copies of the guide to being a straight ally, the 2025 Straight for Equality in the Workplace Learning Session Catalog, and much more!

    Additionally, if you’re interested in offering a clearer idea of what a learning session will sound and look like, we can schedule a mini-training walkthrough for you. Contact us to learn more.