Pronouns: Why They Matter
This worksheet includes information on why sharing personal pronouns matters, common gender-neutral pronouns, and examples of when and how various pronouns are used.
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When PFLAG National launched the Straight for Equality program in 2007, the mission was, if you'll excuse our nearly inexcusable pun, pretty straightforward. We wanted to create a resource and community for people who are not lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ+) to better understand why their voices are critical to achieving equality for all, and provide them with the information and tools to effectively raise their voices.
For many allies, personally knowing someone who is lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, familiarity with the issues that they face, and knowing what they can do to demonstrate their support is increasingly common. And yet, when we discuss inclusion of our transgender friends and family, there is less certainty.
Welcome to the newest step in the ally journey: becoming a trans ally.
This worksheet includes information on why sharing personal pronouns matters, common gender-neutral pronouns, and examples of when and how various pronouns are used.
Use this worksheet to educate yourself and others about gender neutral pronouns and how they are used in speech.
Use this worksheet to understand how you personally understand your assigned sex, gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation. You can use this tool as a conversation starter about non-binary identities.