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Thanks for participating in our February 24 meeting! We hope that you’ll be able to join us on June 16 for our first Straight for Equality in the Workplace learning session at Holman Enterprises! Want to provide feedback on today’s session? Still have questions about the content? Send us an e-mail at [email protected] today.
The 2022 Straight for Equality in the Workplace Catalog:Â Download this catalog to learn more about all of the workshops currently available through the Straight for Equality in the Workplace learning program.Â
Learning Partner Benefits:Â This one page document highlights the benefits our clients receive when they book a workshop with us.
Glossary of Terms:Â Choosing to have a conversation often starts with being comfortable with terminology. This quick cheat sheet will help get you caught up on the right words to use.Â
10 things you can do as an ally:Â Looking for ways to go beyond what was covered in the session? This list may offer some good ideas.Â
International Laws:Â Find out what the laws in places around the globe are when it comes to LGBT rights and equality. From ILGA.
Ally Up: Ally is a Verb:Â AllyUp is framed around the understanding that the allyship of the individual can drive organizations to improve internal culture and also catalyze systematic change outside the four walls. In the same way, that relationship, between the individual and corporation, can inform, encourage and amplify examples of visible leaders who model authentic, action centered allyship
CenterLink, The Community of LGBTQ Centers: Serving over 270 LGBTQ community centers across the country in 45 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, as well as centers in Canada, China, and Australia, CenterLink assists newly forming community centers and helps strengthen existing LGBTQ centers, through networking opportunities for center leaders, peer-based technical assistance and training, and a variety of capacity building services.Â
Freedom For All Americans: Legislative Tracker: Click on the bill to read more information about it, including sponsors, latest action, and its status. Below the chart, you’ll see a density map on where the most legislation is being considered.Â
Straight for Equality Workplace resources:Â Still need more? Check out our full workplace resource area for even more details on workplace issues, external resources, other learning opportunities, and advanced tools.