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Verizon: Be Kind, Rewind

Thanks for participating in today’s learning session presented by PFLAG National. On this page you’ll find a list of materials that correspond to the learning objectives in today’s session. Want to provide feedback on this session? Still have questions about the content? Send us an e-mail at [email protected] today.


University of California, San Francisco Office of Diversity & Outreach

Project Implicit

The Winters Group

Program Ideas:

Teaching Tolerance

PBS Education

Random Acts of Kindness Week

World Kindness Day

Research & Data:

Black Adults Disproportionately Experience Microaggressions

Before COVID-19, many Latinos worried about their place in America and had experienced discrimination

They Blamed Me Because I Am Asian: Findings From Reported Anti-AAPI Youth Incidents

Native American mascots, names, chants: More offensive than previously reported

Why Muslims experience more discrimination than other faith groups in America

The State of Antisemitism in America 2020: Insights and Analysis

Women in the Workplace

Working moms are not okay

If You’re an Introvert, You’re Probably Getting Screwed at Work

Walk A Mile in Their Shoes: Bullying and the Child with Special Needs

Why We Need Mental Illness Awareness

No Capricorns Allowed: A Deep Dive Into Zodiac Hate

Microaggressions Are A Big Deal: How To Talk Them Out And When To Walk Away

The Lasting Impact of Mispronouncing Students’ Names

New Dove Study Confirms Workplace Bias Against Hairstyles Impacts Black Women’s Ability To Celebrate Their Natural Beauty

Gender Dysphoria and Eating Disorders