What Would You Do?: The Advanced Ally’s Guide to Being Active in Tough Situations
This session for advanced, self-identified allies leads participants in a skill-building experience to fine-tune their ally-engagement skills and develop the resources needed to take on the tough and tricky world of difficult situations. This customized, scenario-based session features opportunities for participants to apply what they’ve learned to real-world situations and share their unique strategies for transforming allyship from good to great.
Advanced Let's Talk90 minutes (in-person or hybrid), 60 minutes (online)
Advanced audience with knowledge of why diversity, equity and inclusion are important in the workplace and an understanding of core LGBTQ+ terminology
Download a one page PDF that includes information about this learning session.
Research consistently shows that while most people identify as allies to the LGBTQ+ community, many have never taken action to demonstrate their support for their colleagues or friends. Leveraging PFLAG’s 50 years of experience as the nation’s original ally organization, this session will:
- Clarify the ways in which the advanced allies’ journey looks different than new and potential allies who are just getting started
- Discuss skills and resources that advanced allies need to establish themselves as advocates, learn more, educate others, and create conversations about LGBTQ+ equality
- Develop strategies for avoiding conflict and moving away from those dreaded dead-end debates
Work out, through small group discussion/online interaction, how you’d navigate some common (but tough) scenarios that allies often face in the workplace – and learn how others do it, too
Participant Materials