This Transgender Day of Visibility Let’s Seek Out Joy
Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta, Rev. Debra Hopkins, and Maria Montaño.
Aired 03.31.22
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Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta, Rev. Debra Hopkins, and Maria Montaño.
Aired 03.31.22
Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta and Brendan Fray.
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Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta and Kate Bornstein.
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Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta and David F. Walker.
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Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta and Nadine Smith.
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Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta and Andrea Carlo.
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Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta, Deborah Caldwell-Stone, Maia Kobabe, and Malinda Lo.
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Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta, Barbara Brass, and Colonel Pat Thompson.
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Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta, Eric Cervini, and Eric Marcus.
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Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta, Patrick Cochran, Mackenzie Harte, and Laura McGinnis.
Aired 09.23.21
Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta, Ray Lancione, and Ed Nightingale.
Aired 09.09.21
Guests include Jean-Marie Navetta, John Becker, Julie Rodgers, and Kristine Stolakis.
Aired 08.26.21