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Design Beyond the Binary: Re-Imagining the Conversation

Thanks for participating in this session. One of our key goals is to help you take the information that you learned in this session and use it to make your organization stronger and more effective. To do that, we’ve created this page to provide you with tools, resources, and references to materials mentioned in the training.

As always, the PFLAG National staff is here to help. If you have any questions, comments, or just need some good advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Ipsos: The Future of Gender is Increasingly Nonbinary

National Center for Transgender Equality: 2015 US Trans Survey

The Trevor Project: Diversity of Nonbinary Youth

Pew Research: Rising shares of U.S. adults know someone who is transgender or goes by gender-neutral pronouns | Republicans, Democrats have starkly different views on transgender issues 

BigEye: Gender Beyond the Binary

CMI: 15th Annual LGBTQ+ Community Survey

Williams Institute: Nonbinary LGBTQ Adults in the United States


Decoding Genderless Fashion, the Future of the Industry

What is gender-fluid clothing? Fashion industry experts explain

Gender neutral clothes are the next big thing in fashion

Gender-neutral fashion: fluidity as freedom

Lines between men’s and women’s fashion are blurring as more retailers embrace gender-fluid style 

Resources from PFLAG National: 

Glossary of Terms

the guide to being a trans ally

Our Trans Loved Ones (disponible en español!)

10 Things You Can Do to Be Trans Ally

Breaking Binaries Worksheet

Pronouns: Beyond the Basics

Pronouns: Why They Matter

Annual Events: 

March 31 – Transgender Day of Visibility

International Non-Binary People’s Day (July 14)

3rd Wednesday, October – International Pronouns Day

November 20 – Transgender Day of Remembrance